#RaufAtInterior:12 Remarkable Achievements in 12 Months at the helms of affairs at the Ministry of Interior to mark 365days in Office:

#RaufAtInterior: 12 Remarkable Achievements in 12 Months at the helms of affairs at the Ministry of Interior to mark 365days in Office

1. Approval of the New Visa Policy reclassifying the Visa Categories from 6 to 79.

2. Nigeria commenced Visa on Arrival to holders of Passports of African Countries.

3. Procurement of 451 Operational Vehicles for the Nigeria Correctional Service (NCoS).

4. Creation of Citizens Integrity Unit at the NSCDC.

5. Construction of 3,000 capacity custodial center, three geopolitical zone of the country.

6. The ministry promoted 18,000 personnel out of the 33,000 that sat for promotional exams.

7. Construction of a world class technology building to manage all @nigimmigration ICT enhanced systems in Nigeria.

8. Re-opening and rehabilitation of 32 Satellite Custodial Centers previously shut down due to insurgency.

9. Installation of Migration Information and Data Analysis System (MIDAS) in all International Airports of the country.

10. 2,615 Fire Calls we responded to saving 724 lives and assets worth N1.629 Trillion between June and October 2019 across the country.

11. Deployed 28 newly procured fire engines across the country to boost emergency response.

12. Trained and deployed over 1,500 personnel as Agro-Rangers in Yobe and Adamawa State Nigeria to protect farmers and their farms thus promoting food security.

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