2019 Election postponement, blame Saraki and his cohorts in the National assembly and not INEC;


Easy for you to say. Maybe because you have never received death threats before, I have and I would not be quick to say stuff like that .
Fine, there was some logistics malfunction, whose fault? For me and my colleagues we will forever curse NASS for delaying and cutting down our budget. All these loop holes ARE because of that. As far back as January when THE CVR exercise started we had submitted our budget proposal of what we needed to do. What happened? There was outcry on why Inec would be given such amount of money. Blah blah blah. To cut the long story short, we told them we need the money to procure our materials, did they give us? Hell no! So what should we do afterall Inec is not a revenue generating commission like NNPC so we had to wait. The NASS were just bothered about the budget padding exposure and since they could not get what they wanted delayed the budget till October before approval November. We had barely two months to put things but We still tried our best. From November till now none of had a holiday or even went on one, all leaves in December were cancelled because we had to keep with the deadline so as not to disappoint Nigerians who as usual always look for whom to blame for even having headache. Now they are protesting the elections has been postponed for just a week, like seriously! Why didn’t Nigerians protest when the budget was delayed? My Chairman was in a fix, but because it is an old commission with an old foundation, we knew we had to deliver. Ok after everything what next, we requested for support in delivery, the same Nigerians protested against it saying we want to work with the military in transporting materials. Blah blah. In our budget provisions were made for speed boats and helicopters but no…… The same Nigerians will question why Inec needs the money. Blah blah . Let go to security. The same Nigerians will say they want to know when we transport the sensitive materials and they are the same ones that will attack my colleagues and I when doing it. Ok. You are angry that your day is spoilt, I was up 3am sorting materials making sure that they will get to their destination. I can’t Remember when last I slept for 6 hours. All my Sundays have been taken and you are angry for a week extension. With all this stress how much am i paid? I know it is not 13.5 million compared to what a law maker is earning for sitting on a chair. Have you ever sat on a canoe for 4 hrs just to transport materials from one creek to another in places that are waterlogged? No. Have you ever climbed a donkey in Mambilla just to transport materials over the hills? No . I Have. So I tell you that you cannot be more frustrated than I, but because it is my job I respect the decision extract made by the head office done by our chairman and 12 national commissioners represent each zone in the country. You do not what we go through to see how this exercise is carried which is why when some of you blab on the social media, I just shake my head and lose respect. Thank God now Nigerians have seen what last minute approvals can do to their well being. What goes around, always come around? It is a chain of events. They delayed the budget out of anger so why are they angry tha the elections are delayed. My dear I too need to catch up on my beauty sleep. I really need it. Till next week Saturday. Chao!

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