Baby boy born in Iraq with three penises is a medical first – Doctor.

A baby who was born in Iraq three months ago has been reported by a team of doctors to have three penises. The case has never been reported before and is a condition doctors have called triphallia. The case of triphalia was reported in Duhok, in the north of the country.

Doctors only discovered the child had three penises three months after he was born.

His parents took him to the doctors after they discovered “two skin projections” at the base of his scrotum.

However, the doctors were left stunned when they discovered the projections were actually penises.

One measured 2cm while the other was 1cm – only one of the penises had a head.

Doctors only discovered the child had three penises three months after he was born.

Doctors only discovered the child (not pictured) had three penises three months after he was born.

Only the child’s main penis was functioning, so the doctors removed the excess penises.

The team, led by Dr Shakir Saleem Jabali, wrote in the International Journal of Surgery Case Reports: “Triphallia (three penises) is unreported condition in human until now.

“Patients with supernumerary penises have unique presentation and no cases are identical.

“Treatment is difficult because it poses medical, ethical, and cosmetic aspects

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