How could a man be this cruel and violent before he cums?


A lady narrated her ordeal with her husband in the other room as stated below and requested for advice and prayers:

“I don’t know if my husband is mad or have spiritual problem but the doctor and a psychologist we met said that he is suffering from Sadism. And we have been going for counseling but yet no positive result.

It all started when we are dating, we didn’t have sex. He always tell me that he doesn’t want to rush anything or offend his maker by involving in premarital s3x.

We dated for 2 years without s3x only kissing, hugging and sleeping on you of each other but immediately we got married, we had sex but a quicky which resulted to my pregnancy and our first son.

He even wrote sex time table and pasted it in our room so, anytime i am horney and demanded for s3x, he will tell me that he is in prayer week or we will have a short quicky again.

I am worried about the quicky sex of a thing, which means as a woman, I have never enjoy sex with my husband. Last 7 months ago, he called in the mid night and told me that he has not been enjoying s3x as a married man and want us to work on it, we talked about it and I promised him to do my best that I don’t enjoy it too.

We agreed to improved on our romantic and s3xual life. Three days later, he came home with a lovely gift which led to a hot romance I have never witnessed before since our 3 years of marriage which led to a rough s3x,

The sex was something else, I mean during the s3x, he was beating me and hitting me with any thing he placed his hand on.

He was moaning seriously to cum while I was crying and trying to escape.
The plastic jug I placed beside our bed was smashed on me, he even used his fingers on all my body, whipping me like a thief with his palm and fist while moaning till he cum.

He pleaded to me and told me that he enjoyed it. He took me to go to hospital and they gave me some pain killer.

Later on, he explained it is the only way he enjoys s3x. That he didn’t know when he did all that and that he was in another world and enjoy the sex.
He confesses that, the only way he enjoy sex is when he performed in such way

That incident alone got me afraid. Me that wanted good hot sex started avoiding him in bed. I later found out that am pregnant and the nurses told me that I need to be having s3x with my husband regularly now.

I told him about the pregnancy and he was very happy. That night we had another s3x which lead to another injuries, he later bought a chain and a key for me to use and chain him if he turns wild but it didn’t work.

I talked to a friend and she directed us to a psychologist and a doctor, he was given drugs and started counseling.

As am talking to you now, we had s3x two days ago, he nearly killed me with punches, he didn’t even remember that I was pregnant, he raised me up and gave me a very rough one banging me like a something else, hit me around, he smashed and punched me severally, he was too wild and weird, says he want to cum

It was our neighbors that rescued me when they heard my crying and noise that was coming from from our room.
I didn’t even know when I was rushed to hospital because I fainted because he hit my head on our wooden bed.

Thank God for my neighbor who came for my rescue because I wouldn’t have come out alive till he cum ..

My mum and my elder brother is in the hospital now. They said that he won’t marry me again but I love this man and he loves me too. Leaving him in this kind of problem will it help him?

Will I be able to abandon my first child there and go?

He has been pleading to see me and pay the hospital bill or even know the condition of my wounds but my brother refused. Please, I need help.”

My humble ladies and gentlemen of honour, please, we shall be very glad to read from your opinions and comments.

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