Hear the watery excuses of the embattled chief judge of Federation Justice Onnoghen on his alleged assets declaration.

Justice Onnoghen Replies CCB….

When you are facing serious trial, you can make any statement…..a whole CJN talking like a lay man….

“My asset declaration form numbers SCN 00014 and SCN 00005 were declared on the same day, 14/12/2016 because I forgot to make a declaration of my assets after the expiration of my 2005 declaration in 2009. Following my appointment as acting CJN in November, 2016, the need to declare my assets anew made me to realize the mistake.

“I then did the declaration to cover the period in default. I did not include my standard charted bank account in SCN 000014 because I believed they were not opened.

“I did not make a fresh declaration of asset after my substantive appointment as CJN because I was under the impression that my SCN 000015 was to cover that period of four years which includes my term as CJN….”

Justice Onnoghen

Lol. Be the Judge.

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