Hijrah In The Life of Muslims* By Engr. Bashir Lawal Osun State Muslim Community

*Hijrah In The Life of Muslims*

By Engr. Bashir Lawal
Osun State Muslim Community

The word Hijrah is used to refer to the journey of Prophet Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and his followers from Mecca to Medina in 622ce. The Hijrah is also identified as the epoch of the Islamic calendar, which is also known as the Hijri calendar. The newIslamic year which shall commence on the Monday 9th August will be Ist Muharam 1443AH.

Allah declaring Muhammad as His Prophet (SAWS) and confirming Islam as the only religion accepted by Him were turning points to good for his native home Makkah’s (Jahiliyyah) Ignorance society. Passing the message to the society that was famous for idolatory and its deviation from the Abrahimic doctrine of monotheism preached by previous Prophets of Allah (May Allah’s blessings be on all of them) was rebuffed and absolutely rejected by the Makkan authority and its riches with hostility to Muhammad (SAWS) and handful of followers that accepted the message. The persecution lasted for thirteen years.

History had not reported any case in the earlier world more damning than opposition to Islam and persecution of its adherents. Bilal, the black slave, because of his acceptance of Islam will be turtured daily in a scotchy sun , beaten and assaulted by his master asking him to renounce Islam until one day he was bought by Abubakar who immediately freed him. Sumayyah was the first martyr of Islam, her crime was that she acepted Islam. She was tied to a stake while her flesh was cut in pieces until she gave up the ghost. She was enduring the pains while her tomentors were asking her to renounce the new faith and return to idolatory but only replying them with the statement Laa ilaha ilaa Allah Muhamadur rasullullah meaning There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger.

Psychological and economic warfare were weapons to fight the new faith. The few that believed in the message of Islam were openly assaulted and insulted in the streets of Makkah, there was a sanction which lasted for three good years that buying and selling should not be transacted with whoever become muslim. This brought untold hardship on Muslims that it was reported that during the sanction period they resorted to feeding on any available leaves seen not vegetables and whenever if at all, they managed to visit toilet their faeces can not be distinguished from goat dungs.

Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) was not spared of the aggressions. His membership being from a noble clan prevented a direct assault on him for the fear that it may lead to inter clan war. However, many of his clan members were also hostile to him .The worst among them was Abu Lahab while Alli his cousin accepted Islam, his uncle Abu Talib bin Abd al-Mutalib didnt accept Islam but gave clan-solidarity which made Muhammad (SAWS) untouchable. Unfortunately this immunity could not last due to Abu Talib’s death. The Makkans purposely held meeting to curb what they percieved as the ‘excesses’ of Muhammad (SAWS) and his new doctrine where it was suggested and concluded that he should be dealt with. Allah revealed to him their plots: “And (recall) when the disbelievers were conspiring against you to hold you as a captive, or to kill you, or to expel you. They were planning, and Allah was planning, and Allah is the best planner” Q8:30. Allah ordered him to leave Makkah for Madinah (Formely Yathrib).

Muhammad’s thirteen years endurance lasted before Allah commanded him to leave the city. In 622ce he left with his friend Abubakar. However, prior to the journey some Muslims on his instruction had gone on exile to Abyssinia (now Ethiopia and Eritrea). They were 83 men and thirteen women. King Negus, a Christian, gave them assylum when it was proved to him beyond doubt that they were persecuted because of their new religion while the Prophet(SAWS) remained in Makkah and enduring its persecution, he was using the opportunity to inparting faith in Allah and His Prophet to his followers hearts, inviting people to Islam and building men and women in total submission to the will of Allah.

The movement of the of the Prophet (SAWS) to leave Makkah was miraculous. Prophets of God were always protected by Him, same to Muhamad (SAWS). The day Allah asked the Prophet(SAWS) to leave Makkah coincided with the day that Makkan authority with its soldiers wanted to kill him. That night was memorable in history, a night that truly confirmed that Allah sent Muhammad(SAWS) as His Messenger. They kept the attack secret but Allah’s plan was above their plans. Muhammad (SAWS) asked Alli his cousin to sleep on his bed after handing over all properties kept in his custody to Alli. He set out, unknowningly that emenies have laid siege in front of his house. The unperturbed Muhamad (SAWS) walked in their midst. Historians said on seeing them he started recitation of Qur’an, precisely Suratu Yaa Sin, the Chapter thirty six of the Book and on reaching the 10th verse, all the enermies were cut slumbering, as a proof, he put dust on their heads and walked off them to join Abubakar at a designated point of meeting.

“And We have put a bar in front of them and a bar behind them, and further, We have covered them up; so that they cannot see”.Q36:9.
It was when they woke up to discover that Alli was the one sleeping on Prophet’s bed (SAWS). They realised he had gone. He was unsucessfully pursued for three days before they gave up.

Madinah was agoged and excited at the arrival of Prophet Muhammad(SAWS), the town used to be called Yathrib it was his entrance that changed its name , people going there to pay homage to him will say “we are going to madinatun nabiyy i.e the City of the Prophet ” hence shortend to Madinah. Already in the town were many Muslims that had left Makkah for assylum there, while some of its tribes and surbub accepted Islam . The Pre Islam Madinah was disorganised with family feuds and wars yearning for a ralling point which they now saw in Muhammad (SAWS) . No more persecution of Muslims for those in the City and they were enjoying freedom of worship, association and unrestricted learning from the Prophet (SAWS) .

The Madinah environment was peaceful to Muslims, a sense of brotherhood and ties that know no bound between their brothers in Madinah who were the hosts labelled as Ansar i.e The Helpers while they labelled their Makkan brothers as “Muhajiruun”. The generousity of people of Madinah was fantastic , second to none, to the extent that Muhajiruuns almost forgot they ever go through any persecution, they were relieved. Madinites, shared their properties without eye winkling, some with many wives divorced some of their wives so that Muhajiruun can have opportunity to marry them, release their houses unconditionally for their brothers to live and farms with already rippened crops were donated for brotherhood sake. Abundant opportunities that were not available in Makkah were obtainable in Madina. On hearing these good news, the influx of oppressed Makkah Muslims was on high side, Muhammad (SAWS) told them to be focused on the intention which was making them to migrate to Madinah.
On the authority of Ameer ul-Mu’mineen (the Commander of the Faithful), Abu Hafs `Umar ibn al-Khattab radiAllahu anhu, who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam say: “Actions are but by intentions and every man shall have only that which he intended. Thus he whose migration (Hijrah to Madeenah from Makkah) was for Allah and His Messenger, his migration was for Allah and His Messenger, and he whose migration was to achieve some worldly benefit or to take some woman in marriage, his migration was for that for which he migrated. (Reported in Bukhari and Muslim)

The significance of the Emigration of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) to the Muslims can not be overemphasised. A caution to Muslims to purify their intentions. Actions should be dedicated to Allah and His glory in tandem with the way Muhmmad (SAWS) did his own, that should be goal of believers. The Muhajiruun migrated because of persecution , all migration in the path of Allah will also be seen as Hijrah, therefore in the life of Muslims, migration from sinful acts and sins should be of paramount concern.

There is no crime if Muslims shifts from an environment to a better place of peace or where the religion can be practiced better. A muslim can equally migrate for a greater greener pasture for the land of Allah is of large expanse.

In conclusion, Allah says:
“It is He Who sent down tranquillity into the hearts of the Believers, that they may add faith to their faith;- for to Allah belong the Forces of the heavens and the earth; and Allah is Full of Knowledge and Wisdom” Q48:4
Hijrah brought about opening the door of Islam to the world, the freedom to practice the religion facilitated for the Prophet(SAWS) to apart from Tawheed (faith) teaching other aspect of Islam as he received revelation from Allah like Salat, Zakah, Hajj, Mu’amalat, Judicial Matters etc. The Hijrah also brought resistance in defending faith for the Makkans came to attack the Muslims in Madinah, they were repelled and defeated in a place known as Badr. Islam blosomed to a fullfledged way of life which might have not being without Hijrah. There was a transformation in the living patterns of the Muslim Community, establishing code of conducts for the Muslims and non Muslims living in Madinah and expanding to other Arabian Penisula.

To Nigeria Muslims, doing Hijrah from tribalism is sacrosanct, there is nothing like Muslim North or Muslim South but a single Muslim brotherhood
“And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude Allah’s favour on you; for ye were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His Grace, ye became brethren; and ye were on the brink of the pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus doth Allah make His Signs clear to you: That ye may be guided.” Q3:103.

The prevalence of ignorance among many Nigeria Muslims about Islam is worrisome. Being a Muslim praying five times daily are not enough. Muslims must be inquisitive to know about the teachings of other aspects of Islam as regards business transactions, marriage, funeral ceremony, inheritance , even living with non Muslims in multiregious society like Nigeria etc and be ready to apply these teachings towards becoming a complete Muslim.
Wishing all Muslims happy Hijrah 1443

Engr Bashir Lawal
Iwo, State of Osun , Nigeria

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