Ikirun Development Vanguard calls for fair, transparent and incorruptible selection of Akinrun of Ikirun Land.

*Press Release*

3rd December, 2021

*For Immediate Release*

*Ikirun Development Vanguard calls for fair, transparent and incorruptible selection of Akinrun of Ikirun Land*

This is to inform the general public that we, all the over 5 thousand members (within and outside Nigeria) of *Ikirun Development Vanguard* hereby declare our support and call for fair, transparent and apolitical selection of new Akinrun of Ikirun town, headquarters of Ifelodun Local Government area of Osun State and the zonal headquarters of Ikirun Zone.

Having taken our time to do thorough fact-findings and observe the recent development about Obaship tussle in Ikirun land, we have therefore unanimously decided on the following resolutions:

1.) As an organisation that upholds and belief in fairness and justice, stands firmly with Gboleru family, as it is obvious that it is their turn to take over the vacant stool at Akinrun palace, considering the written agreement among the three royal families. Hence, we unequivocally reject the ‘wuruwuru’ selection of one Prince Olalekan Akadri (popularly known as Pangila) reportedly from Obaara Ruling House.

2. Considering the position of Akinrun among the Osun State Royal Fathers, we implore the kingmakers to ensure that whoever would be selected among the Gboleru princes should have the following qualities: (a) be a morally sound and educated individual with at least a verifiable first-degree or equivalent qualifications, (b) have a verifiable, sustainable and substantial means of livelihood, and (c) be pious and faithful individual with past excellent track records.

3.) We equally urge our elders and elites to speak with one voice and lead by good example for the younger ones and incoming generations to have meaningful things to emulate from them.

4.) The Kingmakers and other Chiefs should be called to order and be admonished to stop embarrassing Ikirun in the face of the public. Recent unedited audio leakages of the stage-managed and kangaroo election process that favoured Pangila and the staged-managed face saving recording released by those involved in the scandals are too embarrassing for all progressive indigenous people of Ikirun land; we’re too sophisticated for such childish and shameful act.

5. Any individual or groups with personal politically corrupt motives or interest should desist from interfering with the selection process of Akinrun; Ikirun town should be put above any individual, parochial ambitions. This should be seen as a strong warning from patriotic indigenous people of Ikirun, under the umbrella of Ikirun Development Vanguard, IDV, home and abroad.

As we pray for and eagerly await the peaceful selection of our new king, we therefore call on citizens and other residents of Ikirun land to shun violence, vandalism and any other forms or acts that could destabilize the peace and harmony we enjoy in Osun State.

We at the same time implore the Government to also allow due process to prevail. After all, the royal stool of Aree of Iree has since been vacant without any fire brigade’s approach to fill it, ditto to the throne of Owa of Igbajo. Why are some government functionaries and leaders of the ruling party in haste to install Akinrun of Ikirun by crook means? As a peace loving Governor, Mr. Adegboyega Oyetola should not allow some desperate elements in his cabinet to tarnish his image and that of his administration.

God bless Ikirun land; God bless Osun State; God bless Federal Republic of Nigeria.

IDV National Secretariat

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