#IleriOluwa; the breathing space, By Owoyokun Samson O.


Not too many people gave him the chance, all they kept chorusing among themselves, ‘He is an Ajele’, they told many unfounded lies against him, events and records proved them wrong, He is one of them by all mention and standards, one who has been closer to them, than they can imagine; for several decades in philanthropy. Can’t you see his identity card, the tribal marks.

November 27th, 2018 came and passed by, we shall see his wonders, saith them all. They were eager, earnestly waiting. Shebi they say He’s the Engine Room, Mr. BrainBox, oya come and perform magic. The backbiters and gossipers were busy in the early days of his tenure.

His innovative ideas are with him, his progressive goals were kept close to his chest, he was focused on his lofty dreams, his workable solutions to the problems were already provided in his manifesto. His Osun objectives were clearly defined; all he wants is a truly industrialized, dependent and economic plaza with giant strides in Peace and Security, functional Healthcare delivery and educational system, robust agricultural advancement and reshapened mineral exploration, productive & welfarised Civil Service, Infrastructure rejuvenation, rule of law, transparency and accessibility, he brought to bare those three decades of boardroom managerial skills in accounting, prudence and administration.

In this time & season of scarce and limited financial resources, he has surprised many wonderously, even his foes and opposition are marvelled. His achievements stands tall, his landmarks and footprints are everywhere, in every household, on every hills and valleys within Osun.

It is not only paid in full, it is always prompt and timely, making all cadres of the civil service happy. N30,000 minimum wage is here with us. Ten road rehabilitation in fourteen local government areas, unconditional release of N3bn for inherited ongoing road projects, total reconstruction of five township roads in progress, five kilometers new road construction in all our local government areas and local council development areas will commence soon, non stop of all social investment programmes and services. O-YES, O-MEAL, O-AMBULANCE etc

There’s peace and serenity in the land, indicators of economic development are on amber, the state IGR is encouraging, the prospect of financial buoyancy is no longer a mirage, our people are healthier and stronger, three hundred and thirty two primary healthcare centres undergoing revitalization, the stakes are becoming high, the coast is getting clearer by the day, each passing seconds and minutes bring hope to our people. Osun is hitting the waves, the open market is here, the product, Ilerioluwa is sellable. One of the best times to proudly say I am an Osun Citizen. Will he perform is no longer the question?
To be continued…


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