Ipedi festival in Ede Màpó àrógun.


Ipedi is an Annual Festival which take place in July of each year. It is associated with the arrival of the new yam. In the olden days. Ede was walled and it had four gates to protect the people from invaders and marauders. It was the duty of Chief Jagun to guard the gates and protect the city when Time and Balogun went to war. In addition, the jagun protect the shrines, referred to as ” Yara” making sacrifices as may be required. Today, it is the tradition in Ede that any reigning Timi must go round the city on his horse and get to the city gates, located at Bode popo, Bode ojoro, Bode sagba. Bode sagba, however, is usually not visited because it was at the gate taken into the when the first Timi founded the present Ede. Sacrifices are usually offered to OGUN, the god of war, whose special function is to protect the city. Timi’s processing during this festival includes his chiefs led by jagun, the chief priests, drummers women and towns people.

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