Islam Is Part Of Yoruba Culture, Even Shariah.

Long before the arrival of Western education popularized by the Christian missionaries in the 1840s, Islamic education had established firm roots in Yorubaland. Islam as a religion has played a major role in shaping Yoruba culture and education.

The Yoruba language was first written in Ajami Arabic script. This is why many Arabic words fathered their way into Yoruba, thereby enriching it significantly.

Alaafia is from Al Aafiah,

Sanma (sky) is for Samaa,

Alubarika is from Al-Barakah,

Wakati (hour) is from Waqt,

Asiri from As sir

โ€œIslam had been firmly rooted and assimilated to the life of the Yoruba people; it then ceased to be an alien religion compared to Christianity. Islam has established itself as part of Yoruba culture, history, and identity.

So Yoruba people should thank Muslims for their Islam, and the Muslims also must rise up to finish the work they had started centuries ago.

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