KATIBI and his fictional genre, a response to Aponle Anabi.

I am not surprised that KATIBI send a message to a scholar who is just like his father in passing message of QURAN AND SUNNAH without fear. I am only surprise that he sent a porous message that has no weight, substance and baseless, in a matter of religion of ALLAH where we only need to hear ALLAH says and prophet of ALLAH says. But we ared dashed with story story.

BABA AJANI has send strong messages and warnings sourced his inspiration from QURAN AND HADITH before KATIBI was ever born. And the role of BABA AJANI is what IMAM DR. TOLIAT YUNUS AYILARA played and we love him and encourage him to fire barrage of truth as long as they are sourced from QURAN AND Hadiths. We don’t care if the missile land on our roof, it is for our good and that of others.

Many messages of BABA AJANI BELLO were punches on the faces of many ALFAS, powerful, influential personality and general public and yet, he ends ceremoniously well. And in the similar force, the message from OGBOMOSO is hitting KATIBI now.

I remember a fire brand message of BABA AJANI BELLO which landed on the fire head of MUFTY DIAR in years back. BABA discouraged anything different from praying to ALLAH with QURAN at a time when MUFTY was the champion and spoke person for practitioners of JALABI. MUFTY DIYAR was not comfortable to the extent that he replied just like KATIBI did without any reference from QURAN and HADITH.

Your message to OGBOMOSO is not worthy to be delivered because it can only form part of your next musical album. It is better to remain silent until there is reply or rejoinder that rest on Quran AND HADITH not story of IJAPA and Yanibo.

The message from OGBOMOSO which the demise of BABA AJANI is the subject matter is a message to millions of Muslims not limited to you. Thus, you have no dexterity to refute it until you are resourceful enough to take us into QURAN AND HADITH.

We are many that consider BABA AJANI BELLO as legend, great preacher, a truth launcher and highly principled ISLAMIC figure and we respect him and adore him alive and when he is no more but not all of us can visit you. Some of us severally prayed for BABA AJANI and we spoke about him in the best way in places. Thus, not every body can visit you.

You don’t need this advice but I will render it. Try to take a second look at BABA AJANI and learn from his life and it will benefit you if you emulate him and consider him as mentor.

The truth is that the glorious end of BABA AJANI, (may ALLAH forgive him and grant him best paradise) is a strong inspiration for ISLAMIC preachers who enjoy saying the truth like him and an example is the Grand IMAM of OGBOMOSO.

BABA AJANI is your father but he is an highly respected personality to us, we have followed him many decades before his demise and we will continue to remember him and pray for him.


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