Let Taye currency breathe;By barrister Wale Akinremi.

What is wrong with Fuji Musicians?

Age cheats, over bloated ego, and distortion of history is their lots!

The creator of Fuji Music, Alhaji Sikiru Ayinde Agbajelola Olanbiwonninu Abinuwaye Balogun, was humble enough to admit that he copied from genres and then modified.

What’s really wrong about that?

What’s bad about copying from your contemporaries, junior, or senior colleagues in your endeavours?

What about acculturation, adaptation, and cultural integration?

I am a Fuji enthusiast. I don’t form nigga. I have been following Fuji since my childhood days.

We witnessed the period of Obesere and Pasuma.

I am a fan, in fact, was a die-hard Obesere fan. Pasuma was smart not to take things hook, line, and sinker. It is just that it takes only a liar to deny that Pasuma bought into Obesere’s style.

That’s the path to unassailable growth for any entertainer.

Pasuma added a better swagger and created a more acceptable niche.

Taye Currency, you are absolutely correct.

It doesn’t matter whether you like his songs or not, but if you know how to dance, you can’t just resist Pasuma’s sound. He is irresistible.

Taye Currency is not a kid in Fuji Music, Bro.

If you got to know Taye when he started calling himself Taye Paso, you are a newbie, a kid in Fuji conversation.

I am from Yemetu. Yemetu people were his biggest fans when he was coming up.

Taye is a bundle of talent with gifts of good composition. Music is in his blood.

His style changed dramatically when he started copying Paso. He forturned changed when he met Pasuma.

He is not going to forget that.

During the Arabambi vs. Omo-olomo war, Taye Currency was consistent with Pasuma.

Oga mi, Oga mi, Oga mi.

Yepere k’eku asin; and all that.

He made it abundantly clear that it was not a tribal issue. Hence, he refused to align with his Ibadan brothers/elders in Fuji that aligned with Osupa.

A brave and truthful man.

Taye Currency is growing, and God is really helping him.

Whatever is between him and Pasuma, I do not want them to bicker or fight.

Pasuma is not going to get a better loyalist.

Thank God. Pasuma is not like you. I respect his maturity always. I pray that he is able to handle the Agborandun enthusiasts with all sense of calmness and maturity.

I am dead sure, if Pasuma is still the same Pasuma, he is not going to join anybody to run down Taye Currency .

Take that to the bank.

And if you think Taye Currency is going to go down because of this struggle, perish the thought.

He has a right to his options.

Taye is loaded.

He is going to grow.

And I have read some people attacking him because of politics.

That’s not funny.

Taye Currency supports PDP, and the PDP rewarded his son at a very young age with the State assembly slot.

He should dump such a reward conscious party?

Yinmu to you.

He supports Governor Seyi Makinde . Makinde rewarded him with a strong political appointment.

He should dump GSM and support who?

Joke of the century.

Taye is old and mature enough to choose his fights and struggle.

When Wasiu Ayinde entered his own wahala, they said o ti tan. Eledumare stabilised him.

When Saheed Osupa entered his own trouble, they said o ti pari. Oga-ogo solidifies him.

Let Taye Currency breathe!

  • Barr Wale Akinremi

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