Maintain high moral standard in your actions and conduct; Oyetola charges Muslim students society of Nigeria (MSSN)

Auzubillahi Mina Shaitani Rojeem, Bisimillahi Rahamani Raheem. I seek refuge from Allah against Shaitan, the accursed. I begin in the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
Asalamu Alaikum W; W.
I am particularly pleased to have been invited as the Special Guest of Honour on the occasion of the formal opening of your annual Jihad Week, tagged: Falling Rectitude: Muslim Youths on Call.
The Muslim Students Society of Nigeria, MSSN, founded in 1954, in Lagos, is a foremost Islamic organisation in Nigeria, with a long, rich history and background. It was established in response to the desire by young Muslim students to have a platform to discuss, brainstorm and come up with practicable solutions to the challenges Muslim students face in the course of pursuing their education on campuses and even in primary and secondary schools respectively.
The Society was established purely for the purpose of educational development of Muslims and to also enhance their moral and social development.
As someone that has passed through the process, I am proud to say that MSSN has so far lived up to its expectations. But like they say, there is always room for improvement.
Jihad, as we know it simply means to strive in the cause of Allah. And like Holy Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W) emphasised, the greatest Jihad is the struggle against oneself. This also is succinctly captured in the Holy Qur’an, Chapter 91, verses 7-9, where Allah says … By the soul and (by) Him who made it perfect, and then inspired it to understand what is wrong and what is right for it. Truly is successful the one who purifies (his soul).
Flowing from the above therefore, I consider the theme of your Jihad Week, Falling Rectitude: Muslim Youths on Call, as one that is not only apt but timely.
The Youths are our tomorrow. And there cannot be a better tomorrow with Youths who have no moral rectitude. As Muslim youths, flee from internet fraud and get-rich-quick syndrome. Whatever that is being acquired fraudulently doesn’t last.
Everyone knows that the present economic reality requires all and sundry most importantly the youths to be more productive in the quest to advance the state’s and the country’s economy.
We do not need to be told to know that productivity is the answer to the present economic reality. As Muslim youths, you must therefore be prepared to engage in only legitimate productive ventures.
On our part as a government, we are bringing up policies that will advance productivity at all levels.
As a government, we are determined to ensure that government policies and programmes meet the critical needs of the people, particularly the young ones who are the most productive population. This is why we are investing heavily in Technical and Vocational Education.
In the State of Osun, we have since embraced Technical and Vocational education. Just about four weeks ago, we solicited the support of France in the development of vocational education to tackle unemployment in our dear state.

The request was made when the Ambassador of France to Nigeria, H.E Jerome Pasquier, and his team, visited our State.
We believe that their support will help us in producing more people with business skills, who would not only be self-employed, but also employers of labour. And with the skills displayed so far by our own students undergoing training, we believe it is the way to go.
Going forward, a programme like this no doubt helps to refresh our minds and reminds us of our duties to Allah and humanity. Endeavour therefore, to organise regular outreach programmes to win souls into the faith and teach others the way of Allah.
As Muslim youths, you must maintain a high moral standard in your actions and conduct. And you must stop making yourselves available as willing tools for agent provocateurs who always profit from religious violence in Nigeria.
Also, as Muslim youths, you must learn to live pious lives to show personal examples to others and you must demonstrate morality whenever you find yourself in the positions of authority even as students.
May Allah continue to guide us to the right path. Allah has described us as the best of mankind. May Allah give us the opportunity and Grace to continue to remain shining examples in Nigeria. Amin.
I thank you for listening.

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