MUPAF Calls Muslims Participation In Politics.

*MUPAF Calls Muslims Participation In Politics*

The Muslm Political Awareness Front (MUPAF), under the leadership of Comrade Lukuman Obembe urges all the Muslims most especially, clerics and elites to participate in politics, noting that majority of our clerics and elites are running away from partaking in politics and this has been responsible for our backwardness in our communities.

He made this observation at the last state meeting where he asked that, can Muslims afford not to be interested or partake in politics? He stated that politics is not only activism, awareness, it is to keep ourselves informed about how things were been managed.

Politics is the tool through which we structure ourselves as a group and society, politics governs every aspects of our lives, it controls our day to day activities and by not participating in it, we are literarily allowing other people to decide on what we can eat, when to pray, where, when we can have access to good health care, standard education, payment of tax, how our race, ethnicity and religion will be operated on either to consider us a criminal or our religion is enough to put us on terrorist list.

We need to sensitize and encourage all our Muslim brothers and sisters on why they should participate in politics for the betterment of our community and Nigeria at large.

If the decision on how to govern our lives are being decided by others, Allah says: “How (can there be such a league) seeing that if they get advantage over you, they respect not in you the ties either of kinship or of covenant? With (fair words from) their mouths they entice you. But their hearts are averse From you: and most of them are rebellious and wicked” (Qur’an 9 v 8)

There is no community that are left in vacuum without governance, though the mode of operations may differ to another. In the case of our country, the decision on how our country is being run is taken by the politicians who found themselves at the position of authority on the decision that will affect all aspects of libes irrespective of religion or ethnicity where the masses have little or no say in taken such decision.

As at now, the All Progressives Congress is revalidating its membership registration, MUPAF Coordinator is urging all interested Muslims to go out and register with the APC and any other political parties of their choice because in Nigeria of today, you can not hold any political office without joining a political party, so we can stop the political marginalization.. A million days journey commences with a step and our destinies lie in our hands.

*Com. Lukman Obembe*
*The Coordinator, Muslims Political Awareness Front*

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