National Identity Card,things you should know.

Why the National Identification Number (NIN) is important and Valuable than the Plastic ID card

The Identity is that national identification number; that is issued on that slip; the 11 digits; the NIN, that is the identity of a person. A person that does not need the services on that card doesn’t even need to go for the card. So, once you have that NIN piece of paper that people term temporary; it is not temporary. It is permanent. Your name is permanent, it does not expire. So, once you have your NIN, you are identified and you can assert your identity anywhere you go. For the card, When you have your ATM card, you pay at the bank. So, this National ID card too, somebody has to fund it. Well, you have to differentiate the National Identificaion Card from the identity. The ID card is just a piece of plastic with security features to make sure that the information in it is secure. It is not your identity. Many organisations such as banks, JAMB registration, Driver license, International Passport and many other will require your National Identification Number (NIN) not your card that means

1. Without your NIN you cannot open any bank account in Nigeria, please Note that to open a bank account the bank will never ask you about your Plastic ID card. it is your NIN that they will ask to enable you open account.
2. Without your NIN you cannot enrol for any international passport, traveling passoprt or any other kind
3. without your NIN you will not become a Nigeria Citizen. No NIN, No citizenship

the NIMC comission ensure all Nigerians to make use of their NIN not plastic ID cards for the plastic is optional, but what identifies you is your NIN. lets take not of this piece of information, thank you.

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