Time waits for no man according to an age long adage,if you plan your time well,there is always a success story that accompanies it.
I have lived in osun state since February 2012 and I have observed various anomalies in the youth mental ideologies to attaining success in life despite their depth of educational background;Most of our youths who are politically aligned believes they can’t make it in life except through political alignments which has affected many destinies;a lot of youths at over 30yrs of age still live under their parents roof,to feed is a problem,some have lost their homes because of disappointments from political leaders,political oppression and harassment,don’t you feel its high time you change your pursuit and face a career or go back to school?Some Goverment get to power,appoint political appointees and make them redundant?why would you appoint people in the position of power if you don’t trust them?why are chairmen of councils,commissioners and special advisers not empowered to take absolute charge of their arms of Goverment?Why is the executive arm of Goverment not separated from the Party?Are the youths not seeing greed self centredness and political manipulation all around our political hemisphere?Is this the same routine you guys want to keep embracing?suffering and smiling?A TIME FOR A RETHINK IS NOW AND HOW😁😁😁😁😁?
Let us together build a more vibrant youth system that will be built through human capacity development,financial empowerment and consistent political enlightment so as to move to our next level,we must help one another emotionally,financially and through prayers If we are to change the political/social narratives that has enslaved us for years, we must again together prepare ourselves educationally,morally , financially through hardwork and divine guidance via Kingdom commitments/parental blessings/mentorship.
Finally,if you need support/mentorship,you can register for support via www.aarajiempowermentfoundation.org and join your local Goverment whatsapp group where your coordinator and mentors will attend to your needs,AEF is purely apolitical,it’s a foundation that helps the poor to breathe,we are a lover of good Governance and upright/transparent leadership,God bless us all.
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