Ramadan and Taraweehi congregation By Ustazh Oluwatoyin Yusuf

This year Ramadan fasting will commence tomorrow according to the information at our desk but how will the Taraweeh be observed according to Islamic scholars ,it is not by force that the Taraweehi congregation prayers must be observed due to the coronavirus pandemics ravaging the whole world currently. If the Jumat prayers could be suspended there is no excuse for any Muslim to be planning any alternative way of observing the Taraweehi because of Ramadan.

According to an Islamic scholar Muhammadu Yusuf Oluwatoyin in Osogbo,the state of Osun capital,the Muslims Ummah should abide by the current situation around the world  and jettison the 10 Rakats congregation prayer due to coronavirus pandemic.

He has this to say on his Facebook page 👇

Some are planning this for Taraweeh. It’s bad. Stop it. Jum’at that is even mentioned in the Quraan has been suspended for more than a month. Your fasting is acceptable and rewarding and “rewardable” without Taraweeh.

If you join them,you may unconsciously hug each other or even shake hands. Community spread of Covid-19 is here. Remember, Kano is on fire.

Tell your mother,father and wife not to be invited into trouble by any extremist Sheikh or Mukaddam.


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