The annual coming of the month of Ramadan is always a special moment for the muslim faithfuls, due to the numerous amount of virtues in the holy month. Rewards, and forgiveness of Allah spread across every single second and place during this sacred month.
One of the door that Allah SWT has opened to His slaves to gain big rewards in the month of Ramadan is through sadaqa (giving charity/alms). Islam always advise it’s followers to give plenty of charities, especially during the month of Ramadan. And that supposes to be the manner of believers; generosity.
Allah and His messenger ordered, even gave example to the followers of Islam to be a generous and open-handed person. Know that generosity is one of the attribute of Allah the Exalted, as revealed in the hadith below:
إن الله تعالى جواد يحب الجود ويحب معالي الأخلاق ويكره سفسافها
“Indeed, Allah the Exalted is the Giver, He love generosity and noble manners, He detest bad manners.” (Narrated by Al Baihaqi, classed sahih by Al Albani in ‘Shahihul Jami’, 1744)
The immediate past Governor of the state of Osun and the incumbent minister of interior, Ogbeni Rauf Adesoji Aregbesola again in his usual character has flooded the state of Osun with his Ramadan largesse to ease the period of fasting for his followers and admirers.
We pray Allah SWT to continue to bless, guide and guard Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola for this his magnanimity.