Special regards to the good, lovely and homely people of Ede land and in particular, Federation of Ede Youth Development Association(FEYDA).
Over the 24hrs, the social media has been awashed with reactions and counter reactions on a publication by Federation of Ede Youth Development Association (FEYDA) that they’ve returned a donation of #50,000 from Senator Oriolowo back to his office due to some discrepancies in the way they claimed the public got to know about the donation.
Due to this, it is expedient we set the record straight and let the public know what really transpired.
Recently, Federation of Ede Youth Development Association(FEYDA) elected a new Excos and as expected, were sworn in. About 48hrs to the date of the swearing in of the new exco, a stakeholder of FEYDA and the APC Youth leader in Osun-west who is an ally of the Senator, Hon Imran Adekunle(Osama) informed Senator Adelere Oriolowo about the development and said he would wish the Senator can support ‘the preparation for the swearing in of the new excos’
The Senator oblige him based on their personal relationship even though, the Senator was not formally or officially invited to the program by the necessary organs of FEYDA.
On the day of the programme, Hon Imran Adekunle (Osama) PUBLICLY PLEDGED the sum of #50,000 onbehalf of the Senator in support of the swearing in event.
Two weeks ago when the Senator got back to the state from Abuja, he called his Administrative officer, Mr Niyi Aderibigbe to reeled out the documented pledges on his behalf and those who are seeking for financial support from him in one way or the other in a bid to redeem every of the pledges and equally give out judiciously to those seeking financial assistance from him.
When FEYDA and the amount pledged on his behalf was mentioned, the Senator asked repeatedly was he sure that’s the amount pledged or more than that and the Admin officer answered affirmatively, as that’s what Hon Imran Adekunle(Osama) pledged onbehalf of the Senator on the said date.
On Tuesday 20th of April 2021, the Admin officer called some excos of FEYDA to inform them about the new development and issued a UBA cheque for them to redeem the pledge with the expectation, they will find a way to inform members of the public about the new development since the money was PLEDGED PUBLICLY but unfortunately, for more than 72hrs, there was not even a tacit communication from FEYDA that could make members of the public that were present at the inauguration date to know a pledge done PUBLICLY onbehalf of the Senator has been redeemed.
The job of a Media office, media unit or media officer of a public official is to inform, promote and publicise the activities of their principal and redeeming of the pledge made onbehalf of Senator Oriolowo is part of the activities his Media office is meant to inform the public about.
Informing the public about what Senator Oriolowo donated to FEYDA by members of his Media unit was not out of place even when the Senator was not formally or officially invited to the program. So, we’re surprised to see people doing their official assignment addressed as being manipulative, uncivilized or engage in manipulative attempt against FEYDA.
That being said, it is expedient we let the public know the cheque issued has been redeemed by FEYDA from the Bank it was issued from (UBA) on Friday 23rd of April 2021, so we find it difficult to understand the claim of rejecting a voluntary donation after several days it has been redeemed by this noble organisation.
The acclaimed money rejected was returned with a FIRST BANK cheque and albeit, it was a UBA cheque that was issued for FEYDA. So in this clime, the money can never be cashed as it is exclusively still meant for FEYDA, an organisation we hold in high esteem.
It is important to reiterate that, Senator Oriolowo was never formally or officially invited to the program, so he has the discretion to decide what will be given or not, even though a certain amount was already pledged on his behalf.
Secondly, Senator Oriolowo is a PUBLIC OFFICIAL, a pledge was made on his behalf PUBLICLY, it is not out of place if when such pledge is redeemed, it is made known PUBLICLY.
Moreover, the assistance seek for was support for the preparation of SWEARING IN of a new Exco for the organisation and not a request for support for a developmental project. Nothing given can never be said to be too small or too big.
Early this year, Senator Oriolowo donated the sum of ONE MILLION NAIRA(#1,000,000) to a community in the Senatorial district in support of their electrification project, a fortnight ago, he equally donated half a million naira as community support for a project in a town of Osun-west Senatorial district.
So, if a request is about a developmental project in a community, the Senator knows what’s best and what’s right but this particular request was made in respect of swearing in of new excos.
On the performance rating of the Senator FEYDA tilts towards to in a part of their statement, we are saying unequivocally that we’re ready for an open debate to be moderated by an unbiased umpire for us to do a comparative analysis of Senator’s from our senatorial district who were FIRST TIMER and IN JUST TWO YEARS in office has achieved what Distinguished Senator (Engr) Adelere Oriolowo has accomplished so far for the good people of Osun-west Senatorial district.
Presently, the Senator is mapping out strategies to embark on Special Intervention Projects in educational establishment’s in the senatorial district(both federal and state) and a federal institution in Ede is on the top echelon of the list of where the intervention project will first take effect.
By and large, we’re appealing to necessary quarters concerning this issue to let frayed nerves be calmed and don’t allowed emotions or political differences to overshadow the actual realities of things.
The Senator has utmost respect and regards for the good people of Ede land under the leadership of our Baba Kabiesi, the Timi of Ede land, Oba (Dr) Munirudeen Adesola Lawal (Laminisa 1), same for the Traditional council, League of Imams and Alfas and equally, holds FEYDA (the umbrella body of Ede Youths) in high esteem.
This little infraction will never and can never spoilt the relationship between us.
Alafia ati Idagbasoke fun Ilu Ede.
Ese pupo.
‘Niyi Isamotu
Media Aide to
Senator(Engr)Adelere Oriolowo, FNSE;IDPM
(Osun West Senatorial District).