Strange has become a steady word in talking about African social practices far and wide. The African peoples custom and culture consistently have its method for making stun and amazements to individuals of the outside world as well as without a doubt to Africans themselves. One of such strange practices is being brought to the limelight right now. We investigate a Tribe in Uganda the “Banyankole Tribe”.
Banyankole Tribe, Uganda
The Banyankole clan possesses a minority position in the clans of Uganda, however its association with the word Marriage have brought it into extraordinary acknowledgment of the western world. It’s entertaining to state that at whatever point “marriage” is referenced, it is certainly a weight on the bride’s auntie. This is so in light of the fact that Whenever a couple is going to get hitched, the custom of the Banyankole Tribe directs that, and I quote: “The auntie of the lady of the bride first have sex with the husband to be to guarantee that he is strong” (in other words in clear terms, that the Aunty of the lady that is going to get hitched will initially engage in sexual relations with the Man that is going to get hitched to her!!!. To affirm if the man can perform.
Furthermore, it doesn’t end there, as the auntie despite everything need to test the Bride to affirm her Virginity!!. Now and again, the custom demand that it was the obligation of the auntie to demonstrate the intensity of the husband to be by watching them make love.