Support whoever is chosen as my successor; deposed Emir Sanusi Lamido Sanusi charges Kanawas.

Muhammadu Sanusi, in what is his first reaction to his removal from office on Monday.

Mr Sanusi was deposed following a resolution of the Kano State Executive Council on March 9, on allegations of insurbodination.

The Secretary to the Kano State Government, Usman Alhaji, who addressed journalists at the end of the emergency council meeting said the action was based on the governor’s powers under the state’s Emirates Law 2019.

A son of late Ado Bayero who was Mr Sanusi’s predecessor, Aminu Bayero, was immediately announced as the new emir with the endorsement of the four Kano kingmakers.

In the video message, which lasted over four minutes, Mr Sanusi accepted his dethronement as an act of destiny.

“With almost six years on this throne and (in charge of) our heritage. Today, the almighty Allah, who gave me the leadership has destined to take it back,” Mr Sanusi said.

“As I always say, leadership has predetermined tenure, the days Allah destined are numbered. When the days come to an end one must leave.

“We have accepted whatever Allah decides. We have agreed. We appreciate (God). We are happy and we know it is what is best for us.”

The video appeared to have been recorded at the Kano Palace on Monday before Mr Sanusi was whisked away into exile by security personnel.

Towards the end of the video, the blaring of siren could be heard signaling the arrival of the police commissioner who led the operation.

The deposed emir called on all titleholders and palace officials to support whoever emerged as the emir.

“We enjoin everyone to remain peaceful. We have directed our family, our children and those that support us that whoever gets it and is endorsed by the people they should pay allegiance to him.

“They should follow him (the new emir). They should guard his honour and dignity because that is also the honour and dignity of this palace.”

In affirming his ties to his grandfather who was deposed in similar way in 1963, Mr Sanusi expressed happiness for practicing his reign in accordance with that of Emir Sanusi I.

“It is a thing of pride that made us to rule and end in the same fashion as Halifa,” he said using his grandfather’s sobriquet.

In an analysis after his dethronement, our reporter reported the resemblances in the last days of the two monarchs and how Mr Sanusi set out to reincarnate his grandfather’s reign when he became the emir in 2013.

Mr Sanusi expressed his thanks to the people of Kano, titleholders, lieutenants and friends for their support and affection during his reign.

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