The short autobiography of late Prince Alhaji Abdul Azeez Akande Ayoola:
Papa was born to the Adumari rulling house about 89years ago.

His mother’s name was Ayisat Abeke. Early in life papa Akande left no one in doubt his resourcefulness and proven intellect as he shown a lot of brilliance.
However he was not opportuned to benefit from early western education because Prince and princess were not sent to the only primary school in the community as it was considered solemnly for the Christians! Pa Ayoola as found of his young Azeez hence he wouldn’t want him to be far from him. Early in life he started following him to the farm.

Due to some fortuitous circumstances his father Pa Ayoola died. This was a turning point in the life of young enigmatic Azeez. He ventured in to business which plied in West African country Coted D’ivoire. His brilliance and dexterity in business shown shone like a star he was! Through him a lot of Ara sons and daughters tried their luck in business enterprise in that French speaking West African country. His fame spread like wildfire within the surrounding towns and villages as he mentored so many of them.

He got married to his heart rob,as a prince and devoted Muslim he married four wives according to the sunnah of the holy prophet. All the wives were blessed with children who are holding their own in various positions in both private and public sectors of the Nigeria economy. Suffice it to mention that some of the children are still domicile in ivory coast and still doing very well.
Alhaji Akande performed the holy pilgrimage to Mecca while he still residing in Abidjan.
He was a family man per excellent. He was a rallying point within Adumari ruling house. He became the head of Seriki leg of the Adumari ruling house in the year 2014 August at the demise of prince Amunsa Alamun. Needless to mention that he was the pillar upon which Pa Amunsa rested when the mantle fell on him at the demise of prince Sule Abiodun. His sojourn in Coted D’ivoire was 50 solid years when he relocated home to handle the assignment of the home front in the Islamic circle especially Anwarul Islamic movement he was a colossus,a pillar upon which the movement rested in Ara mission.
He stood for peace and promoted peace within and outside Ara. He answered the home call on the 14th of January 2019 and buried the same day.

May Allah SWT forgive his sins and reward him with Aljanah firdaous. Ameen.