Tribute to the late chief Muraina Adejare Akingbola,Bara of Ara: By Alara of Ara Kingdom HRM Dr Windapo Oyelade Abidogun1.


Tribute to an Amazon!

“Iku Ogun ni pa akikanju,
Iku odo ni pa omuwe,
Iku oko ni pa ayitale”

“The valiant warrior dies in battle. The perfect swimmer swims away in death.
The love-struck maiden dies in search of her heartthrob”.
So is the story of late Bara Muraina Adejare Akingbola, a great leader, motivator and mentor.

As the mother earth, unperturbed by the drenching warm tears of thousands, received the lifeless body of a great man, a good man snatched by the cold and cruel hands of death
I cannot stop grieving over the death of a father, mentor, friend and teacher like no other!

To a multitude of Ara sons and daughters across the world, Bara was a source of inspiration and as such a messiah of some sort with die-hard desciples like Sobaloju Ajayi, Asalu, Ekerin nad Ejemu, whom a copatriot, in appreciation of the bond described as ” a cult-like followership”. This is borne out of the reciprocal love and respect they have for a truly great leader they found in Bara!

He refused to be frustrated by the inadequacies and shortcomings of the community even as he rejected the worldly inducements that could have put Ara in bondage! This his uncommon love for motherland made him a subject of ridicule and a common enemy to a greedy and unscrupulous few who are most likely rejoicing in his demise!

His proddings, often misunderstood and misconstrued, sometimes abrasive are unimpeachable. His advice, pronouncements and contributions to issues are prophetic.

Despite his Islamic disposition and a devoted Moslem that he was, Bara had an unparalleled respect for the Yoruba culture and tradition and he would unrepentantly defend it. His appreciation and worship of the Yoruba forefathers and their unparalleled wisdom are instructive and worthy of emulation.

Bara a true Yoruba man, the uncrowned “Omoluabi” was a good man, a kind-hearted man whose love for Ara is missionary; highly principled and painstaking, he was a man of many enviable values he would not compromise for anything. A man of impeccable character; detailed records and accountability were his watchwords. His integrity was never in doubt and would defend it with the last drop of his blood; and so he did till the end.

A valiant he was in every respect and like a valiant he died. He could have, for the love material wealth, jettissoned his vow to retain the sovereignty of our dear Ara, more so in the face of intimidation and threat to his life! Such is the way of Aaare Ona Kakanfos! The valiant warlords of immense and awesome power and authority who held sway in the old Oyo Kingdom.

“Ina ku, o f’eeru b’oju, ogede ku o f’omo e ropo”

The pale ash results from a fire just as a new offshoot replaces a harvested banana tree.

It is most heart warming that Bara is survived by promising and upwardly mobile children. May Allah grant the entire family the fortitude to bear the loss! Ameen.

Before his untimely death, Bara was deeply committed to seeing Ara “On the rise again” Thw entire Ara Kingdom will surely and sorely miss him.

Bara lives on!

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