There are over 10Million out of school children in Nigeria while millions of others are also on the verge of dropping out.

A lot of our kids, particularly the girl child,are vulnerable to poverty, sexual abuses and all sort of social and economic vices. They are everywhere,they live around us,they in every clan,from every tribe and in many homes.

While I agree the role of government in addressing this agelong problems,my personal experience since my university days, when I started sponsoring indigent children with my Schorlarship funds,has shown that we can also be a blessing to someone and make the world a better place.

This is not about government,it’s about you and I, it’s about a better tommorrow,it’s about giving hope to the hopeless, it’s about putting smiles on the faces of other children as we strive to put same on our own children’s face. Nobody has all the money in the world to meet his/her needs,what we need is just the heart to be a blessing to others,regardless of our own needs.

A recent research has revealed that if every child can have access to education upto secondary school level,about 400Million people accross the world will be out of poverty in some years to come.

For instance, to the glory of God,one of my adopted boys in the University is a first class student of engineering from a Muslim home and I have never set my eyes on him. Regardless of religion,tribe,sex or location, you also can do same and even do more.

On behalf of millions of vulnerable children in Nigeria and other parts of the world, I want to plead with you to please adopt a child’s education today.

Please join me in this generational assignment. We won’t take money from anybody, you will do it yourself. All I need is for us to raise a network of volounteers accross the world who believe in this course and are willing to put smiles on the faces of poor children and give them a future.


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