Chief Abdulfatai Abdulsalam Liberty
It will be confirmed by sociologist that I will bake a neutral and fair opinion on the political equation binding AREGBESOLA AND OYETOLA as political financial, Chief of STAFF and formal Governor of Osun State. The assurance is based on the reality, none of the duo has benefited me directly. I am not loyal to any one of them.
I don’t know what makes OMIPIDAN to unveil such subjective idea concerning the two politicians. The entire construct is dominated with subjective opinions and speculations.
It was barely two years to the administration of OYETOLA as the Governor of Osun State when some of us saw it clearly that OYETOLA will not stay beyond four years. Our highly respected leader called us to a meeting to deliberate on possibility of saving a ship that may not survive the second trip. We deliberated on how do we assist OYETOLA to enjoy a second term that seems unrealistic.
At the meeting which was held at one of the leading Hotels in Osogbo, I told OMIPIDAN loudly that the crisis between his boss and AREGBESOLA is like holes below their political ship, unless they find away either sincerely or pretentiously to dilute the political crisis, there administration will not extend beyond four years.
One day SHEIKH DAOOD IMRAN MOLASAN drove in his white Toyota Jeep to my office. Then, OYETOLA was just two years plus in office, he told me that, OYETOLA deserved our support for a reason but I reply him that the reason will not safe OYETOLA from a looming political loss. I told SHEKH, if you go with him, you will surely loose together. Am sure it later became clearer to SHEIKH.
The implication of above pillar of words is that I don’t know why and how you don’t know that the tire of vehicle of second term was deflated. It was obvious, we said it far far before it happened.
We don’t need to be told that it was OYETOLA that needs to tell what AREGBESOLA did to him to warrant such level of hatred. As if those who were close to AREGBESOLA were not APC members, OYETOLA in person and his Commissioners and allies demonstrated rejection of any body who is close or had worked closely with AREGBSOLA as if the victory was not jointly recorded.
How do we know OYETOLA and his men hate AREGBESOLA ? It was unbelievable how OYETOLA administration was fully out to change almost all the legacies of Aregbesola without justification.
In my opinion, as at the time OYETOLA was busy altering the legacies of Aregbesola, I was waiting to see what his administration will offer Osun as brilliant and sophisticated programs. If students feeding was not good, Opan Imo, single Uniform, Oyes, etc, what were you able to fabricate for Osun. The point here is that, the manner Oyetola administration disconstructed AREGBESOLA’s legacy shows we need to face OYETOLA and ask for AREGBESOLA’s offence.
As student of leadership, we took out time to understudy these prominent politicians and as good students, we should have known their strength and weakness. OYETOLA is stingy and create big enemies for himself. And his sense of creativity and flexibility as leader is weak.
I have opportunity to be with AREGBE in his residence in Abuja for about four times and I was with OYETOLA once in the Government at the time their political crisis was tensed. The cause of the visit to them was an highly sensitive case I handle which was connected to their interest. I had discussion with them and I inferred sincerely that AREGBE had no issue with OYETOLA.
AREGBE, like I use to say, I owe him nothing but as sincere student of leadership he forms significant part of our study. Is highly courageous, dynamic and give out. He is a bridge builder and a grass root politician. That does not mean OYETOLA cannot improve on himself and become better than AREGBE.
No good and intelligent politicians would establish such hostile political bond with OGBENI like OYETOLA at such crucial time. No matter influence of BANIK, OMOWAYE, FAMODUN that may catalyze such idea. Such agenda is sure ticket to political coma.
It a reality, and a frank one. It is better for OYETOLA not to think of re contesting for Governor in this state. The reality is that he is never people choice and he has opportunity to sell himself when he was governor but rather, he was sparking dangerously like a singing thunder.
If I have a BOSS, I will never support him in mission that will not pay him, no matter how it benefits me.
I request for adequate digest of my opinion and remind the readers that I owe both nothing that can make me to be subjective.